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Terms of Use Livepage

Last Updated: January 01, 2024

Welcome to the Livepage!

We are happy you chose our marketing agency.

Terms of Use (“Terms”, “Agreement”) constitutes a legally binding agreement between you as a Customer (hereinafter referred to as “you“, “Client” or the “Customer“) and us, Livepage OU, company with registration address: Estonia, Tallinn, Vesivarava tn 50-21, 10152, register code: 16561025 (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor,” “We,” “Agency,” or “Livepage“).

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using our services, materials or information that livepage provides as they affect your obligations and legal rights, including, but not limited to, waivers of rights, limitation of liability, and your indemnity to us.

What is an agency Livepage

Livepage comprises a team of dedicated professionals committed to facilitating business growth through impactful marketing strategies.

Our services may include:

  • Developing a Marketing Strategy;
  • Content Creation;
  • Social Media Support;
  • SEO Optimization;
  • PPC Advertising.

For more detailed information about our services, please visit our website []. 

Subject of the Agreement

Livepage pledges to offer the Customer services related to marketing, software development, website design, content generation, data handling, web server information management, and associated activities. This also includes advertising and IT consultancy as directed by the Customer. Conversely, the Customer commits to receiving these services and compensating Livepage as outlined in terms of amount, schedule, and method herein.

The Contractor has the right to decline service if the Customer’s niche is prohibited, violates laws, or the Contractor lacks expertise in its promotion. In such cases, the Contractor may refuse to take the Customer’s project.

Procedure for Agreement Conclusion

The Terms represent a public invitation extended by Livepage for the establishment of a contractual relationship concerning the provision of consulting services. Following mutual consensus on specific terms and conditions, the involved parties may proceed to formalize a separate service agreement.

Upon the acceptance of the terms detailed below and the corresponding remittance for services, an entity or an individual who accepts this invitation assumes the role of the Customer. Acceptance of this invitation is equivalent to entering into an Agreement, with the terms stipulated herein. By accepting this invitation, the Customer confirms that these terms and conditions do not impede their legal rights and interests.

The Customer acknowledges their acceptance of the terms of this agreement and the establishment of this contractual relationship upon the initial payment.

Furthermore, by accepting this invitation, the Customer affirms that these Terms do not encroach upon their legal rights and interests.

Payment Terms

The Contractor shall receive compensation for the service, as mutually agreed upon by the Parties, in accordance with the invoices submitted by the Contractor.

The remuneration for the services provided by the Contractor hereunder is paid based on the invoices submitted by the Contractor through a 100% advance payment within 5 business days from the date the Customer receives such an invoice.

The settlement period is a period equivalent to 30 (thirty) calendar days, during which the Contractor provides services in accordance with the terms set out herein, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties. The settlement period begins on the first working day following the day the Contractor receives payment from the Customer.

The parties have agreed that the Contractor’s remuneration for the respective Settlement Period is determined based on the Contractor’s invoice and is specified therein. In the absence of objections from the Contractor, the payment of such invoice by the Customer is considered confirmation of the Customer’s agreement with the cost of the services provided by the Contractor.

The Customer undertakes to separately pay/compensate the pre-approved expenses to the Contractor, necessary for the fulfillment of this Agreement, within 3 (three) business days from the moment of invoicing by the Contractor. The amount of expenses under this provision is determined by the Contractor in agreement with the Customer.

The payment for the Contractor’s services shall be made by a bank transfer to the Contractor’s specified IBAN account as indicated in the invoice. The correspondent bank fees for payment remittance shall be borne by the Customer.

The Customer’s obligation to remunerate the Contractor for services is considered fulfilled on the date when the funds are received in the Contractor’s current account.

If services cannot be provided due to the Customer’s fault, the payment made will not be refunded. The work on implementation can be postponed, subject to further agreement between the parties regarding the details and the feasibility of their implementation.

Taxation Responsibilities of the Parties

Both parties are individually responsible for the accurate calculation and timely payment of all taxes and other mandatory fees associated with the execution of these Terms.

Engagement of Third Parties

The Contractor performs the work for the Customer at their own risk and personally. Simultaneously, the Contractor has the right to engage other individuals (other Consultants) in the execution of the work, while remaining responsible to the Customer for the results of their work.

Validity Period and Termination

Unless otherwise stated in the invoice, then the term of services is 30 calendar days, for each invoice separately, from the moment the Contractor received the prepayment for this invoice in full.

Another term of services may be agreed separately in each invoice.

It is essential to note that the termination of this agreement does not absolve the parties from liability for any violations that may have occurred during the agreement’s validity period.

Force Majeure Clause

Both parties shall be exempt from liability for any failure to perform or improper performance of their obligations hereunder in the event of force majeure circumstances.

These circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  1. The enactment of regulatory legal acts by state authorities that substantially impede the fulfillment of the agreement.
  2. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, typhoons, hurricanes.
  3. Military operations.
  4. Widespread diseases such as epidemics or epizootics.
  5. Restrictions on transportation.
  6. The prohibition of trade operations with specific countries due to the imposition of international sanctions.
  7. Any other similar circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

A party affected by force majeure circumstances is obligated to notify the other party within five days from the date of the occurrence of such circumstances.

Privacy Statement

We hold your privacy in high regard and have established specific policies and procedures for the collection and handling of your data in relation to the services provided by our Agency.

The protocols for safeguarding your data privacy are comprehensively detailed in the Privacy Policy [] available on our website. These policies are applicable to you and, where relevant, extend to cover your employees for the entire duration this Terms.

Personal Data Consent

By utilizing the services of our Agency, you hereby grant your explicit consent for the collection, processing, and transmission of your personal data. This encompasses actions such as data reception, data entry into databases, data distribution, sharing with third parties, as well as data modification, deletion, and other operations that may be conducted by the parties with your personal data, whether in written (paper), electronic, or any other format.

Both parties hereby affirm their agreement that, as required, their personal data may be processed and disclosed to third parties as deemed necessary. We may transfer confidential information to our contractors as part of the performance of tasks to provide services to the Customer.


The Parties hereby agree to treat all information pertaining to the execution of these Terms as confidential. Parties commit to maintaining such information as a commercial secret and shall refrain from disclosing it to third parties without the prior written consent of the other Party, unless such disclosure is essential for the fulfillment of this Agreement using other Consultant service or is mandated by competent authorities as provided by law. This provision does not apply to information that is generally known or publicly available.

The Contractor is obligated to prevent unauthorized access to documents provided to them for the execution of these Terms.

Intellectual property of the parties

Herein, the Contractor hereby assigns to the Customer the global rights of intellectual property individually created during the provision of services by the Contractor.

This intellectual property encompasses individually crafted texts, images, banners, and any other graphic developments, in addition to computer code, advice, and ideas for recommendations.

In the event of the creation of other intellectual property not specified in this Agreement, the Parties shall mutually agree, potentially through electronic communication, on the transfer of intellectual property objects to the Customer.

Nevertheless, the Contractor retains the right to use previously created intellectual property with other clients and companies without the obligation to pay royalties or other fees to the Customer. Simultaneously, the Customer has the freedom to use the presentation created for them, or other text and/or consultation, without being obligated to pay additional royalties to the Contractor, except for the payment for the services provided under this Agreement.

The Customer consents to the Contractor to display the most recent information regarding the name and review case of the client on the site. To facilitate this, the Customer grants the Contractor the right to showcase the name of the Customer’s trademark on the site and/or social networks.

Throughout the provision of services, the Contractor and/or Consultants may utilize intellectual property to which free licenses for its use apply.


The Customer bears sole responsibility for receiving, achieving, and/or implementing any benefits directly or indirectly linked to the application of the outcomes of services offered hereunder. 

The Contractor is accountable for adhering to the mutually agreed-upon terms of service provision, except in cases where delays result from the Customer’s failure to fulfill their obligations.

The Contractor shall not be held responsible for:

  1. Consequences arising from the Customer’s inactivity or their failure to perform other actions necessary to facilitate the provision of services by the contractor under this agreement.
  2. The Customer’s non-compliance with the Contractor’s instructions and/or recommendations aimed at fulfilling this Agreement.
  3. Violations of third-party copyrights related to the use of materials supplied by the Customer (if applicable).

The Contractor disclaims responsibility for any losses, including those stemming from lost commercial benefits, disruptions in commercial and production activities, or data loss, that may occur during the provision of services hereunder, even if the Customer was not forewarned of the potential occurrence of such losses.

In the event of justifiable grounds, fines and compensations are to be paid by the party at the request of the other party, not exceeding the total funds received from the Customer for the billing period preceding the violation.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

Any disputes or disagreements arising during the execution of Terms are to be addressed through mutual negotiations between the parties involved.

In the event that a dispute remains unresolved through negotiations for a period of 30 calendar days, it will be settled in a court located within the jurisdiction of the contractor, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia.

For inquiries, suggestions, and complaints related to the provision of services, please direct them to the following email address:

Assignment of Rights

These Terms are not eligible for assignment, transfer, or licensing unless we grant our prior written consent. We reserve the right to transfer, assign, or delegate these Terms, along with our associated rights and responsibilities, without prior notification.

Amendments to the Terms

We may change these Terms from time to time, so please check this page to ensure that you’re happy with any changes.


All forms of correspondence between the parties, including but not limited to communication via email, social networks, or instant messengers, shall remain valid even after joining these Terms and may be considered when interpreting its terms.

Email communication between the Contractor and the Customer with respect to the present Agreement shall constitute the official correspondence evidencing the course of works performed hereunder. Should any dispute arise out of the present Agreement that can not be settled in an amicable way, the email correspondence can be used as an official proof of the performed works.

Contact Details

Should you have any inquiries for our agency, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at the following email:


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